Collection: Ranges of the Everyday

This series was made by Antonio García Villarán at his CREA 13 Academy in front of his students. He selected small formats and apparently simple motifs to show all his pictorial secrets. He used the primary colours separately to make a work with each of them (Yellow, Red, Blue) and then used the palette of apelles where there is no green to paint a motif that includes a pear and a red cloth (complementary). Finally he made a work in black and white, absence of colour. In all these pieces you can appreciate both the brushstroke, the different qualities of colour within the same range and both the glazes of the first stains and the impastos of the last ones that coexist harmoniously to configure a work with volume, air, depth and differentiated nuances. To summarise we will say that this complete collection is a painting course whose format is 5 small-format oil paintings on canvas.