Protected collections and works
Here you will find works by Antonio García Villarán that do not belong to any collection. They are rarities, special, unique works, and as such are only available to his most loyal collectors.
If you have purchased any of Villarán's works, you will receive a code to access this new room in his Online Gallery.
In this selection of his works you will find pieces from his beginnings and from throughout his career. You will be able to see works from when he was studying at the Roberto Reina Academy, from his university work, from his first exhibitions, and even sculptures, ceramics, unpublished sketches, strange artist books and other experiments.
If you have purchased any of Villarán's works, you will receive a code to access this new room in his Online Gallery.
In this selection of his works you will find pieces from his beginnings and from throughout his career. You will be able to see works from when he was studying at the Roberto Reina Academy, from his university work, from his first exhibitions, and even sculptures, ceramics, unpublished sketches, strange artist books and other experiments.